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Bielarus.net> Belarusian Solidarity "The danger for Belarus A month has passed after the oil and gas quarrel Putin Lukashenko bbs regime. The political defeat Putin in the oil and gas conflict revived the hopes and neputsinskih kontraputsinskih forces bbs in Russia in the struggle for power. It seems that they are not opposed to use in this fight Lukashenko as the outer packaging (inside because no one in Russia there is no alternative to Putin, putsinisty all squeezed). Lukashenka knows about it. Real alternative could be himself. (Recently bbs - after a "visit" in Minsk Zyuganov, Rogozin, Prokhanov etc.. - In Russia, opened even page on the Internet - "Lukashenko in 2008" where are promoting it to the President of the Russian Federation bbs ...). For Belarus, so again it may be a great and real danger, as the Motherland to resume trading. Specifics of Russian gebizmu and concrete situation after the failure bbs of union with Lukashenko on the terms Putin indicate that Putin and his entourage bbs must seek other methods to save power. The most simple, proven and affordable option for Putin - is the third term of presidency (collective writing "Russians", enterprises, regions, demanding "serve as" Russia "and others.) The second option may seem surprising, but let's bbs say, moreover, that the Russian special services here have a lot of experience and practice, feeling like a fish in water. The implication room Lukashenko and the ratio of new puppets by conspiracy and coup. The possibility of such action has already drawn the attention of Valery Kostka bbs in a recent article posted on the network ("zugzwang in time trouble"). This version of events is very dangerous for the statehood of Belarus, because (if you do not begin to resist the people) will lead directly to the country's incorporation into the empire. What to do if the Belarusians The Kremlin will have their favorite and proven tactics - Moscow coup under the banner of struggle against the dictatorship? For the opportunity to change this kind of power and change the satraps, the Russian bbs gebizm creates in the pro-Moscow their (democratic, revolutionary, left, design, regional, sweeping, etc.) managed bbs by the opposition. Belarusians need to understand that the so-called "united democratic opposition" created in Belarus Hans Wieck and the KGB - is not an alternative to the pro-Moscow regime, as an alternative bbs to Belarusian national-democratic revival. To power in Belarus in this situation are the "opposition" will not come (after all, not for the sake of their collected), but can support the necessary bbs change Moscow government, which eliminates the rule of Lukashenko. It is on this (elimination of Lukashenka's bbs rule) fixated their "opposition" "ideology". But in his behavior, as evidenced by the practice, they are not independent. (Here, I'll do a little degresiyu. I pay attention to "detail" - on ambiguous use of the word "change" (which usually throw youth). This is an example that the mass political struggle does not tolerate neakreslenastsi and euphemisms.) Position support the coup gave Moscow an excuse to justify political propaganda coup and confusing Belarusian society. Socket power in Belarus for its people, the elimination bbs of "bad elements" and fast Anschluss under the guise of the "union state" would be already a matter of a short time, and run-imperial art. It should be understood clearly, firmly and unequivocally that if the deployment of such a scenario, all Belarusians and national-democratic forces should recognize and support any dictator or Moscow style revolution in media dictatorship. This change in the framework of a single phenomenon, for the purposes of this phenomenon. Even Russian literature realized the essence of a Russian policy ("people remain silent," if anyone remembers). By and large value here would not change, bbs and the regrouping of forces pro-Moscow authorities against the freedom and independence of Belarus. Belarusian national-democratic revival must deploy in this situation, his anti-imperial power. Again, these are my arguments caused by Article V. The bones can not be regarded as a statement of some well-known plans for any public groups on the preparation or approval of any specific event. Here, a simple look at the possibilities of what our society has not exactly worried, but what can happen if a hypothetical set of circumstances. bbs People, at least in general terms, should bbs forward to comprehend their behavior in the likely event to have a position and know what to do. Gathering the facts of Russian bbs terror against bbs Belarusians 1. Belarusian Solidarity bbs is a platform of the Belarusian Renaissance, the ideological form of communication bbs between the Belarusians and the position of struggle against occupation anti-Belarusian regime. Her declaration of solidarity bbs is simple and reliable, bbs according to the principle Kalinowski - the one you love? - I love Belarus. - So is mutual. 3. Belarusian Solidarity is for the truth of the Belarusian Renaissance, which says: "No human rights - the main thing for b
We Belarusians! "Gleb Lobodenko: Alternative service Belarus Animation Culture improves life Adnak! Fair Projects In search of the dragon! Fight gene edge. BY magic cards will Belarusian! Those "Let the language!" Black and White dozen verses. Reloaded - 2 Dozen. Restart Interests will be here! Soon Belarus should adopt a law on alternative military service. The news suddenly gave me the key to the image of one of the most prominent representatives of the new generation - a graduate of the National Humanities Lyceum of Yakub Kolas of Gleb Lobodenko. Text entirely. Vitebsk was OPEN air concert 250 Symphony Orchestra Sexism in Belarusian why Belarus approves gender discrimination "Belorusneft" advertise tourism "Three turtle NRM Schoolgirl with Myadel won the title of "Cover Girl World" at the international competition of talent and beauty in Turkey Last comments Victor Martinovic: With this article, dear ... Yuri: And the author and his critics comment ... Kastus: Thank you! Cool article. I remember well ... Catherine: Meet the article left led ... Squid: Well, what we remember and write ... Popular Rock Profi distributed in the hangar (photo) Victor 250 Martinovic: product, you unscrew the inside Tanya Skorinkin: "Time hairstyles" Andrew Hadanovich: "Dad and poet rolled into one - a populist," The dream of another country Protection of the heritage What is this if not a crime? We invite you to musical evening "Casket travel" invites you to Lviv, Zhovkva and Padgortsy "Orthodox shrines" thrilling ride of "traveling trunk"
We Belarusians! "Rudeness and indifference: Grodno handwriting Animation Culture improves life Adnak! Fair Projects In search of the dragon! Fight gene edge. BY magic cards will Belarusian! Those "Let the language!" Black and White dozen verses. Reloaded - 2 Dozen. Restart Interests will be here! Friends who live in different countries and cities, have told me that Grodno - the city in which it is pleasant to come back, but which inevitably want to run after the week-long vacation. This was back in the not too distant past when I could not even imagine how the rest of my destiny. I laughed at them, the foam on his lips spoke of his sincere sgcarmart love to this small town, is thousands of evidence and justification for the slow and indifferent for the most Grodno. Standing in an incredibly long line at the box office, I look at surprise disaffected cashier, which tells me that before sgcarmart the end of the week all tickets sold in the Belarusian direction, leaving only place in the coupe costing peravzohodyachyya, it seemed to me, the acquisition of a personal aircraft. Tasca for a huge bag, I ply the station by reference to the offices and back. Finally, sgcarmart in desperation, and almost weeping with grief, I look into the eyes of a young girl trainee, repeating the memorized text, "I need any reserved seat near the Belarusian direction." City is not important. Grodno, Minsk, Mogilev, Gomel - any ticket fine. She quickly snaps his fingers on the keyboard, a moment considering what to monitor and clear voice said to me, have lost all hope of success "document, please!". In Minsk the fast train number 198 arrived at half past six in the morning local time. To celebrate the feeling that I finally set foot on such a familiar and native sample of paving tiles, breathe sgcarmart a familiar, always sgcarmart a bit raw, the Belarusian air, I do not attach importance to the fact that we had to pull the platform itself a very heavy suitcase. The mood could darken and the fact that the round-conductor Sasha, sgcarmart all the way zazyvavshy me to tea with waffles, not that that helped pull the luggage, and even gave me histayuchaysya on the steps, his hands. Realizing that Moscow did not overcome my suitcase in my hands any descent or ascent came much later, when the tired three-hour bus trip to Minsk - Grodno, with superhuman efforts I tried to get into the city bus. The guy who was sitting opposite the door, brought up on my mother's bread, sgcarmart light health with interest watched my attempts to immerse yourself and your luggage in the vehicle, sometimes smiling, but after I finally overcame the stage and put up a suitcase began animatedly discussing my attempts with his friend. The idea that ought to help or to give way to his head, as well as the head of his friend, did not come. The same evening, bringing me to despair, sgcarmart started shouting at me saleswoman shop which I politely pointed out that she was wrong in my favorite brand of cigarettes. The fact that my comment sgcarmart is not carried in itself no negative mood, I'm sure even more than in my name. Being at a loss after a tirade about how she got tired of it all, what a terrible youth has gone and that we will not and is not, and her poor, almost twice the stroke did not bring up, I looked in his face rounded eyes saleswoman and I could not find the words. And to try on your own skin had a lot: I worked as a waiter and bartender and manager, was a courier, promoter, sgcarmart agent all kinds of companies and enterprises, and finance me my not what romances sang opera, and at the station a couple of times I had to spend the night, but the moral values is not affected by this. Education and etiquette, they are the same as the talent, they do not spend on drink. What's the problem sgcarmart here? The problem was not long in coming to the surface and emerged in full dress. The point is everything, it turns out the money. And I would not like at this point to add a twist, better sit down and weep, covering her face with her hands. Our people sgcarmart are angry that a constant lack of money. Do not like the way people live, the salary of booths spread, save on everything, steal, finally tired already, because sin. And in another way it is impossible: prices are rising, wages are, gasoline becomes more expensive, devaluation in full swing, the work is not enough, sgcarmart business is not allowed to develop - the same old song about the main thing, only with a new scope. Culture and Development Grodno, as the money is not enough, but I found a certain regularity - all drink. Well, well, well, not all, or even just I see you frowning when reading this proposal, sgcarmart but the company is not more than fifteen years, which is loud foul language, drinking accurately. And my question, "Why? Why?" Friends, puffing on a terrible sgcarmart depression, say: "What to do? With such a life ... " But I wonder in
We Belarusians! "Tastes and flavors Bulbash Animation Culture improves life Adnak! Fair Projects In search of the dragon! Fight gene edge. BY magic cards will Belarusian! Those "Let the language!" Black and White dozen verses. Reloaded - 2 Dozen. Restart Interests will be here! The project is built near the Kurapaty, literally on the bones of the victims, the entertainment complex "Bulbash Hall" has caused a flurry of public protest and updated the question of the acceptability of the epithet "Bulbash." It seems that the name of the controversial project will change, but the question remains. The owners of restaurant chain NRG - not the first, who are trying to use this epithet as the main component of the trade mark in the food or restaurant industry. One of the most sold in Belarus burners and is called scoot - "Bulbash" (hard sign at the end, probably symbolizes the "solidity" of the Romanov empire) and dumplings Novogrudskaya company "CHECK" are produced under the brand name "Taste Bulbash." On the one hand - like logical. Potatoes - not our main food, and therefore broadcast its derivative in the food industry looks inevitable. But it is evident at once logical disconnect. Needless Belarusian word "potatoes", as far as I know, the Belarusian manufacturers and restaurateurs do not appreciate. The same "CHECK" scoot produces more dumplings "Taras Bulba", but it is not a reference to the Belarusian language and not to the potato itself, but to the image of the famous novel by Nikolai Gogol. Cult once "Potato" in postwar BSSR - Byelorussian Soviet card cuisine - recently closed. It turns out that the very Belarusian word "potato" scoot in a serious commercial communication is not used. It looks that his shy. Perhaps because it does not fit in the symbolic field of "success"? But why then do not hesitate to "Bulbash"? Where is the logic? Russian Wikipedia notes that the epithet "Bulbash" in some cases "is easy samoironichesky shade and applied in the context of unpretentious food, clothing, accommodation and so on." Supporters of "Bulbash" - brands - usually refer to this alleged self-irony. But the "simplicity" (undemanding) Commonwealth Belarusian people - is today already a myth that was in the past, violent 1990s. scoot Modern scoot Belarusian consumers - people are very picky and choosy, even arrogant. Suddenly, a rapid rise in the well-being of Russian oil subsidies - a clear sign of the last decade. Vodka "Bulbash", by the way, does not position itself as a product of simple-and not the cheapest on the Belarusian market. It seems that if the modern imagination Bulbash successful as the character of mass communication and can be called unpretentious, it is rather undemanding to himself. Such Bulbash easily forgives himself rudeness, arrogance, ignorance, aggression, emotional deafness. They say that I take with Bulbash? Dumps. But in the case of sudden danger this obsession in the spirit Nozdryov (thanks to Gogol for another immortal image) can be issued for the undemanding "self-irony". Here's how: Bulbash successful (Glamour, postmodern) pointedly neglects potatoes and other commodities not prestigious (and, incidentally, the Belarusian language), but roughly insists that he himself accepted as he is. And if rudeness sometimes met with resistance, it turns out that it is not rudeness in general, and "self-irony." Insurance. Belarusian society rather sharply divided in their sympathies, antipathies to the epithet "Bulbash." However, the lack of development (not to say "no") independent of sociology scoot in the country to determine the exact proportions. But it is certain that many perceive "Bulbash" as an insult to personal and national dignity, without any (self-) irony. And if they apanenty- "Bulbash" show indifference to the tragedy of Kurapaty, the icon is only strengthened. scoot Creative "Bulbash" even if not regarded as a cynical "Bulbash Hall", causes at least bewilderment. What the authors mean "Taste Bulbash"? There hint whether cannibalism can be read, or the use of similar burners in the recipe. scoot If you start to analyze scoot the "potato" subject more deeply, then it pops up a lot of chronic problems with the Belarusian potato. Low fertility (and the corresponding culture breeding), lack of modern storage facilities, scoot processing badly underdeveloped. Even starch we have today on the shelves mainly Polish scoot and Moldavian and Belarus is not so easy to find. Chips produced, it seems only two companies, and the local french fries - I do not know who. Along with "potato" blurted out the myth of "300 Belarusian potato dishes." So if decipher the epithet "Bulbash" commercial communication as "a scoot person who is proud of the national potato crop", then this is absolutely no reason to pride. Look at most "potato" US state of Idaho, Behold learn from them potato culture and technology promotion of the product n
We Belarusians! "Our meal - 2: On our glorious kuhmistrav Animation Culture improves life Adnak! Fair Projects In search of the dragon! Fight gene edge. BY magic cards will Belarusian! used cars for sale Those "Let the language!" Black and White dozen verses. Reloaded - 2 Dozen. Restart Interests will be here! Long before taking over from the French word for many centuries the main chef cooks we called - with the German - kuhmistram. "Kuh" - it is clear: the kitchen, the cook; and the executioner, or the master, called the best experts in their field, teacher, master, and sometimes, used cars for sale in the cities of Magdeburg, - even the cat. After all, for criminal executioner to do and master of life, and even in some ways the last teacher. Just as kuhmistr - for venison. It's hard to say when we first heard in the word, but I know one document in 1408, which mentions kuhmistra eccentric and irrepressible Prince Svidrigaylo. That is kuhmistry we had more than 600 years ago. Recently I had a chance to argue with a young, used cars for sale ambitious and glamorous girl, culinary blogger, the words of the Belarusian language did not want to admit, despite the "Slavic" its sound. Well, if that girl out of politeness to give way, a good third of the words in our language it is necessary to strike. No, the whole pen, lady, and already kuhmistra us leave. I'm talking about our glorious kuhmistrav have something to tell. Handwritten cookbook used cars for sale unknown kuhmistra Radivalav (about 1686), recently discovered and published in Poland Restaurants in the old days we did not have one inns and shank unassumingly, then served used cars for sale all kuhmistry for big yards aristocratic and royal. After all, with a large courtyard, like Radziwill, Sapezhinsky or Tyshkevichavskaga, lived or spun daily by hundreds of people, and to feed them all, needed a lot of food and a dozen or two cooks and padkuhtsikav. Who should manage it - that's you and "staff unit". There was even such a position of honor at the court yard of the Grand Duke of Lithuania - Lithuanian kuhmistr great. The smallest, however, of all such "dygnitarskih", as they said, honorary posts. Such kuhmistry no meals were not prepared, but in theory, used cars for sale it was believed responsible for the order in the kitchen. And when the Grand Duke, he's the king of Krakow or Warsaw to Vilnius and Grodno come rachyv should kuhmistr Lithuanian Grand gala banquet of His Mercy and serve the general procedure to follow. Although, of course, it was the king and the real kuhmistry who actually cooks ruled. Work kuhmistrav valued highly. Best received thousands of zlotys per year, while an ordinary chef - 300 Tsukernik - 200, and auxiliary staff - from 24 to 80 zlotys per year (data 1720) The obligation kuhmistra better expressed used cars for sale Stefan Czarnecki himself kuhmistr used cars for sale princes Lubomirski, author of the famous cookbook Compendium Ferculorum - the first printed cookbook in the Commonwealth. It has Adam Mickiewicz in "Pan Tadeusz" quoted, although the book confuses used cars for sale with "perfect cook" Wojciech Vyalёndki. So, let the word kuhmistru Chernetskii: Should kuhmistr know the time, how much will a banquet, and, moreover, to make sure that all the chefs how to cook managed, and, moreover, does not seethe, do not soak, pyachisty not retain used cars for sale moisture. It also has kuhmistr know everything about the composition used cars for sale of the filling of the kitchen and the number of it. Cooks in submission, courtesy trezvastsi keep in neatness around holding that the best way to serve guests. used cars for sale And he will order the main reason, neat, trezvy, diligent, faithful, used cars for sale and especially around his lord friendly and - fast. Of course, it is not easy - a great lord to serve here without speed is necessary. Kuhmistr wrote Chernetskii, translated from German as "cooking teacher." No matter how fast he or spun, and if the cooks do not teach how to - to fill up the whole thing. And with that, and teachers be enough - you also need a doctor. Kuhmistr should know a lot, and especially in all things that concern human life must have awareness, but at least known how healthy and how the patient please. Apparently, all the necessary qualities had Paul (Paul) to three (1733-1810), the famous kuhmistr our last king Stanislaw August Poniatowski, was born in Gdansk a French Huguenots. It was he, among other things, preparing the same "Chetvergova dinners" at which the king and closest associates handed subjects an example of thrift, trezvastsi and with them the contributions bailouts zanepadayuchay Rzeczpospolita. For his culinary skills three earned a reputation as "the first kuhmistra Europe" - long before Mishelenavskih stars. Annual earnings of the three is more than 10 thousand zloty, but it does not serve for the money alone: after the final separation between the state and greedy neighbors Poniatowski's abdication from the throne he remained with him - and in Grodno, and in St. Petersburg, to the death of the King . A disciple of the three - the kitchen teacher - was none other than John Shytler (1763-1850), author of the first printing
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