Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Thus, the classic work of Gilford as closed vicious circle faktornotestologicheskogo analysis of in

Thus, the classic work of Gilford as closed vicious circle faktornotestologicheskogo analysis of intelligence. Starting as a "dzhifaktora" Spearman to multivariate Gilford "Cube", this analysis only led researchers from understanding to reveal the actual driving and regulatory mechanisms of creative repco thinking (Guilford, 1950, 1967). To repeat: the awareness of the inability to identify potential repco talent by intelligence tests and aptitude for expressing intellectual creativity IQ even with the use of any kind of analysis sophistication factors led testers to produce in 50 years. Magellan belgorod Obman very strong reevaluation testers values. It is symptomatic that the opposition of 64 intelligence and intellectual giftedness, on the one hand, and the creativity and artistic talent - the other, which is defined as any business, including science. Magellan belgorod deception in the 1960s.
Dzh.Gettsels and R.Dzhekson (1967) published data indicating that there is no correlation between intelligence and creativity. "" The ratio of these two characteristics faktornotestologicheskomu subjected to rigorous analysis. American psychologists conducted a series of papers to clarify the issue of association or independence, creativity and intelligence. It is, first of all, most of Gilford, who believed that the intellectual capacity to lead to the development of creativity (Guilford, 1967). Magellan belgorod divorce
P.Torrens (1984) in their experiments, given a certain correlation between the indicators / K and Cr, but considered that it was not so high as to judge the creativity of tests on intelligence: his experiments, two-thirds of creative objects "out" when testing intellectuality. K.Teilor and D.Holand (1962) found that intelligence and creativity can not be distinguished, and came to the conclusion repco that creativity - the "singularity" of individual characteristics, which is independent of general intelligence. R.March, M.Edvars, T.Hazan (1964, 1966) have a high degree of correlation between intelligence and Cr. In their research, they were almost like abilities. BVA.
Gettsels, P.Dzhekson (1965), Zh.Flesher (1963), and others have come to the conclusion that creativity is independent of intelligence, like most of those with high IQ have a low "creativity. However, the brightest creative subjects had a relatively large number of Users of the 1st quarter. D.Mekkinnon (1962), K.Iakimoto (1964) and P.Torens (1967, 1980) came to the conclusion that the expression of creativity requires a certain threshold of intelligence. As a result of this series of papers, American psychologists Mekkinnon (1962), Barron (1969), Croplei (1966), Freeman (1968) found that creativity and intelligence refers to a certain level, above which creativity is an independent variable. This concept is called the "threshold theory" or "bifurcation theory . " repco
2013 (471) May (19) Psychology of Creativity - Part 63 Psychology of Creativity - Part 62 Psychology of Creativity - Part 61 Psychology of Creativity - Part 60 Psychology of Creativity - Part 59 Psychology of Creativity - Part 58 Psychology of Creativity - Part 57 Psychology of Creativity - Part 56 Psychology of Creativity - Part 55 Psychology of Creativity - Part 54 Psychology of Creativity - Part 53 Psychology repco of Creativity - Part 52 Psychology of Creativity - Part 51 Psychology of Creativity - Part 50 Psychology of Creativity - Part 49 Psychology of Creativity - Part 48 Psychology of Creativity - Part 47 Psychology of Creativity repco - Part 46 Psychology of Creativity - Part 45 April (351) March (101)

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