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He wanted to be a striker, because they are the glory and the shame of kapusoké when they get to score. Then he became one of the world's best goalkeeper, a member of the Gold Team, Olympic champion, the National Sportsman. He died at the age of 88.
Gyula Grosics cosevi Dorog began his career, and the Mateosz, the Budapest Honved cosevi and the team of Tatabanya included. The Hungarian national football team between 1947 and 1962 gate 86 times protected, in 1954 he won a silver medal at the world championships in Helsinki Olympics in 1952 and earned the championship.
The Gold Team in 1953. Are: Gyula Lorant, Jeno Buzánszky, Nandor Hidegkuti, Sandor Kocsis, József Zechariah, Zoltan Czibor, József Bozsik, cosevi Budai II László squat Mihaly Lantos, Ferenc Puskas, Gyula Grosics
The Hungarian Football Federation's website read megemlékezésből turns out to be an excellent goalkeeper journalists six times elected to the current year, a selection of his world. Aranylabdára nominated four times, and each of the four times among the top ten. In 1999, he was elected ten best goalkeeper of all time between 1952 - the year of the Olympic victory - Athlete of the Year in 1959 and was Footballer of the Year.
Gyula Grosics in recent years repeatedly hospitalized, admits that her heart attack three runs, one when he fell, broke his ribs and punctured his lungs several times. cosevi His family said Thursday cosevi the MTI to cultivate cosevi the hospital again after the usual control cosevi study. June 13, Friday morning, died in his sleep. Buzánszky alone
The legendary cosevi Gold team - which London cosevi 6-3 beating England in 1953 - only Buzánszky lives in Eugene, Ferenc Puskás in 2006, left the series before the people with him in 2011 by the National Athletic selected as Grosics.
Buzánszky Grosiccsal was due to travel to Berlin on Friday afternoon with the German Football Association is invited them to the 1954 World Cup final in Bern sixtieth anniversary of a ceremony.
"A friend of mine will remain forever. We lived together over great success and failures. Could always count on him - said the MTI Buzánszky phone waiting for the take-off of aircraft. - The other day was the hospital, and said that she can not come with me to Berlin. I was hoping to heal, go home, and we would go again celebrations, meetings with friends. This common journey is now over. "
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