Saturday, October 11, 2014

Sometimes a single unlikely idea can have massive impact across the world. Sir Harold Evans, the aut

Aardbeving Napa Californië » De Geobronnen
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Na de aardbeving vlakbij Los Angeles amper twee weken terug werd nu ook het gebied boven San Fransisco getroffen door een aardbeving. Een aardbeving van 6 op de schaal van richter rondom het plaatsje Napa, een wijnproducerende regio. De beving vond plaats op een breuklijn die paralle l loopt aan de San andreasbreuk
Via de media komen vooral veel berichten van schade binnen van gebouwen en wegen. Gevreesd wordt dat ook een aantal wijnproducentenenorme schade hebben. In het gebied rond Napa zitten nu tienduizenden mensen zonder stroom
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Dossier Antarctica Zuid/Noord migratie Dossier Jungle af van Calais Dharavi: Sloppenwijk in India Dossier African Tour Dossier IJsland Dossier New York 400 Dossier De Lonkende stad Geoanimaties af Interactieve kaarten
Sometimes a single unlikely idea can have massive impact across the world. Sir Harold Evans, the author of They Made America, describes how frustration drove... See it on, via Classroom geography Video - Rockfall in China
A rockfall af blocked a section of highway in the southwestern Chinese city of Guiyang on Monday. Huge rocks collapsed only minutes after highway af patrol inspectors af had stopped traffic from.See it on, via Classroom geography af Infographic - Farming and big data
Big agriculture companies have spent hundreds of millions of dollars on technologies to help farmers grow more at a lower cost. But as the race for dominance on the farm heats up, a number of small tech startups are launching competing products. Data gathered by sensor-packed farming machinery and deep pools of weather, seed and soil information will help fa Graph and map - Sea Level Rise Making Floods Routine af for Coastal Cities
The shock for us was that tidal flooding could become the new normal in the next 15 years; we didn t think it would be so soon, said Melanie Fitzpatrick, one of three researchers at the nonprofit who analyzed tide gauge data and sea level projections, producing soused prognoses for scores of coastal Americans. If you live on a coast and haven t seen coast Wired - How to prepare for a trip onto a volcano?
How do you prepare yourself if you re hiking in volcanic terranes? Here are a few tips: 1. Get to know your volcano. af Check out the Global Volcanism Program s webpage for the volcano and see how often it has erupted over the last few centuries and check out the Weekly Volcanic Activity Report for more information. If you are especially concerned, check with l
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