Thursday, January 15, 2015

prazdnik: yeah he does also to the printer PRINT - in bourgeois! in fact - was probably the same ma

holds sacred ritual replacement price tags for imported products. It is hoped that the domestic manufacturer will not bring the country kia sportage in difficult kia sportage times, and domestic motorists do not have to change to public transport.
Depreciation of the ruble against the dollar and the euro have hurt small businesses. Vyacheslav Berezhnov, owner of a small auto parts store in Moscow, shared the sacred mystery of the replacement price tags on imported car batteries. Look no comment and a mat story Free News. Dmitry Melёhin operator (s) Free News, 2014. Our official accounts in social networks.
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Just yesterday, the price tags are also new with his wife painted. Supplier-Chinese brought kia sportage a new batch of goods - from an average of autumn price + 20-30%. Despite the "Power of Siberia" and kisses in our gums and their leaders, the yuan exchange rate to fall approximately to the same as that of the dollar. Bought in advance and refillable ink cartridges for your printer and paper, because something tells that rewriting the price tags become the main occupation in the near future.
MrJingles: On my most conservative estimates, the Crimea for a couple of oil has already cost me about $ 8000. And in the Crimea, I have never been and is unlikely to ever be, and crude oil prices have only seen in the movies. But on TV say that Crimea should please me, and the price of oil should not worry ... just that and live!
Valko: hm, how little. What is your 8k greenery across the happiness of a whole people? We just recently argued with one comrade here D3 about foreign equipment in our facilities. So, we're knocked month. Before buying kia sportage cartridges for 3D printers for $ 1,500 apiece. kia sportage Now these things became half of the 50 to 75. And we live.
prazdnik: I've worked in a large and beautiful store, 1C comes update their price tags can be 1 or 2, 10 or 30, you take and sent to the printer, because if in the window of the old product and then have to sell the old, and this waste of time and losses of the company. Of course trying to use to trim images or reprint, but most simply takes off in the trash, and this is difficult kia sportage to fight. In general, the price tags may soon be in USD as before.
Wrote prazdnik, respond .
Wrote a gamer, respond .
prazdnik: they have to be at the time of plywood to catch. If they catch the cashier, then do not let the goods, that's all. In general, to guard handed over to the police, she must be very bad mood. And, do not remember exactly, but ugolovkoy considered removal of goods in more than 5tyr. For chupachups not go to jail.
ogap: they will not be able to do so. on a product barcode, with the price of goods in the base. In fact - buttons on hand in order to enter the number and barcode manually. And they drink after the legal time will not sell for the same reason. He is dumb and not pass it will not be in check.
gamer: Once again, there is a law on the rights of consumers. If the price tag is worth it at that price to sell are required, this is done does not concern me. Checked personally once. Alcohol, too, of course, after ten who does not sell, again as a result of the law. Let's start already waive their rights and comply with their obligations.
gamer: We must demand to sell at a specified price if the cashier brakes - store manager motivates him, and all turns out. Several times encountered in food, never have had no problems to drive the right price, just be ponastoychivee and everything.
evgen_evg_75: Partly it was sarcasm, in part - from childhood in the model airplane to learn the proper cutting material - do not cut here so Circuits from the center of the sheet, and until now, when I see that are doing something aches inside.
prazdnik: yeah he does also to the printer PRINT - in bourgeois! in fact - was probably the same may not be pleased, but not against the fact that it was in March, maybe even with a ribbon himself kia sportage traveled. and did not go well at the store kept. whinnying over Psak or some muck from Kisel and sold parts to all who are now conceals ... later. kia sportage not otmazatsya not say- I Cho, I nicho - it all - quilted jackets, liberasty, Aligarh, speculators come in large numbers, rotten intellectuals and chotko boys. Krymnash Glory. Krymnash. All.
buffaloid: TV shut off?
Wrote barmalini, respond kia sportage .
+ 0 -
iBaraban: it is quite elusive: Victor smeared by shit watch. Alexander you fucked al cat. Peter S. withdrew pants and put your ass out the window. Oleg did corkscrew hole in the lip. Vadim swallowed screws. Maxim on the screen iphone itself key scratched "dickhead". kia sportage Ivan pissing tram on the move. Eugene did not wash a week. Boris shouted "Congressmen pi..u" and began to smoke in bed. Dmitry scratched screwdriver egg and scratched and bleeding. Paul put his face in the oven and burned eyelashes and eyebrows. Ruslan knocked kia sportage the stick four windows. Alex broke the gate. Victor is the new shit and scored in the hallway blinded pyramid. Michael kia sportage organically Blevio

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