The definition of BPS fanfare scheme on amazing economic vin diesel results of Renzie does not stop even before the evidence and ridicule. Today it's the turn of the spread fell below 100 points. It seems a given true, but instead a bale mammoth. The spread, the difference between the yields offered by our government bonds and those of Germany, the bund, but to calculate it correctly is also to be the difference in inflation in the two countries, which in recent years, since the ouster vin diesel of Berlusconi in 2011 is modified several times. Indeed Italy now in deflation, while in 2011 it was 3.6%, must therefore speak of nominal spread (the one trumpeted by the media regime) and spread real. In the image of this post are the Eurostat data on the spread is real on the nominal against Germany since 2012. The time series vin diesel on a monthly basis. We see that while the spread nominal from June 2012 to January 2015 declined by 261 bps (from 4.2% to 1.59%), the real (net fl ation) remained almost unchanged from 1.78% in June 2012 to 1.12% in January 2015. As many as 75% of the reduction in the spread nominal allinflazione certainly vin diesel not due to the economic policies of Renzie! You can better understand the historical series sullinflazione. Both in Italy and in Germany vin diesel we are now at about -0.5%, but in June 2012, Italy was a 3.6% inflation against Germany at 2%. the greater deflationary contraction recorded in Italy is then transferred also on reducing the spread nominal. In conclusion, the much-publicized descent vin diesel to below 100 the usual dance accomplices governmental newspapers "The spread makes percent. In fact, not. The easing of tensions on the future of Greece with Germany approving a large majority the extension plan of aid facilitates the path of Italy and extends the honeymoon with the big investitori.registrata in Italy and then also transferred on nominal reduction in the spread. " vin diesel
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February 27, 2015, 19:22 | Writing | Comments (96) | Listen Submit your video | Send to a friend | Print | Twitter Gallery
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