Sunday, December 8, 2013

In any tier in compde scooters aguestes experiences are economic constraints are naues ask sociaus

Meeting Heritage Museum e deth pyrene. 14,15 e 16 November. |
DEmpúries a period of major investment entar CREATION e metuda foncionament in a number of museums centers patrimoniaus scooters e, e soent so isolated no relationship between Eri falls Damba that urgency is created structures that allow connections was aguest sector generate e ta share experiences aguestes strategies for cooperation between institutions. In no aguest as wealth and diuèrsi Jan Pyrenean region, advocating eth besonh Desires of collaborations to create hilats locau niveus, or nacionau internacionau: organization of diuèrsi was hilats regionaus Catalan territory, quauqu'uns experienced was like deja solid e Network Museum of Lleida and Aran was or Network Equipment Heritage Museum and the High Pyrenees and Aran qu'es last trebalhat amassed an ans ta prepausar products toristics common Enta arténher visibility ua e, sustot TA will strengthen foncions sociaus e territoriaus that can desvolopar to compdar Deth heritage.
In any tier in compde scooters aguestes experiences are economic constraints are naues ask sociaus qu'afècten e ath e culturau naturau heritage, seem appropriate to organize ua Meeting of museums, eco patrimoniaus equipment Enta e pr'amor opportunities that will reflect His bite Doran eth trebalh hilat in cross-border e Enta equipment scooters is sound territory eth er framework of the Euroregion the Pyrenees Pyrenean termièra dera e Mediterraneo.
Recent news Vicent Partal are presented in Toulouse libre "In a span of independence" the discovery of a tresaur! A mysterious Occitan dictionary eighteenth century a Christmas pauci / Occitan pack!
January 12 @ 8:00 to 20:00
with the collaboration of Ganesha productions

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