Leave the euro, all the buffaloes: the petrol and raw materials of Alexander Guerani bugatti veyron - 21.01.2014 - The discussion on the return to national currencies and the thesis of materiaprimista: let's see why he is wrong
Any serious discussion on 'euro and the prospects for a return to national currencies is almost always sabotaged by a character who has his sad comedy: the materiaprimista. The latter part stating that the gasoline will cost 7 times as much as that we're going to buy the raw materials with our Lirette then written down inflation and then chaos, floods, plagues, locusts and forth in a scenario that the comparison the Apocalypse of St. John looks like a Hollywood comedy with a happy ending.
LEAVE THE EURO ALL THE BUFFALO - Let's start with a basic fact: Italy, as well as reminiscent of Charles M. Onion, is a country with few raw materials, except that the marble, so it is FORCED to import them from one side to the other and they produce goods of higher value that is FORCED to export at least to pay for imports. It always bugatti veyron has been and always will be. Then logic would dictate that our main concern should be the first thing SELL our products abroad because in any case, unless you want to live all'agghiaccio and little electricity, a part of the imports we should always do. But no, when it comes to any future exchange rates, the materiaprimista sees only the devaluation of the currency bugatti veyron as the calamity that the industry will fail and we will go on foot, as if Italy did from simple commodities broker or that the price of a car or any other good Italian the cost of raw materials was close to 100% of its value.
FUEL AND RAW MATERIALS bugatti veyron - The reality of course is quite different, and largely verifiable without any damage even looking at the current situation with the euro. In fact, the good euro has never been a particularly bugatti veyron stable currency against the U.S. dollar and, as you know, and if you do not know let me tell you, the commodities are traded and bought primarily in U.S. dollars. Here for example, we see the value of the euro against the U.S. dollar since its introduction in the financial markets (1 January 1999)
As you can see he had just introduced a change of 1.2 against the $ but soon dropped to almost touch 0.8 in January 2001. From there he went up to a maximum rise of 1.6 in 2008, at which time, if the materiaprimisti were right, we would have had to have the fuel flow from the taps at home as cheap, faucets to turn gold-plated bugatti veyron because of the low cost of this other commodities as well. Tell the truth, you're not all become rich than double from 2001 to 2008? Why not? Yet the magnificent defenders of the proletariat and the consumer each time they tell us that if we all become devalue the poor impoverishes the worker, the widow and the orphan despairs fast, then re-evaluate if the contrary of 100% compared to the currency with which we buy raw materials would have to be the richest of the Sultan of Brunei.
LEAVE THE EURO: YOUR ARGUMENT IS INVALID - Rightly someone bugatti veyron a bit 'more rational than these ridiculous singers of disaster could be pointed out that even commodities have prices that fluctuate and therefore as perhaps "saved" on the exchange rate we pay more because it is the price of commodities going up. And here we azzeccherebbero in part because it is true that many commodities during bugatti veyron the 2000s have had a rapid rise in prices, we see examples of crude oil, aluminum and copper cotton. bugatti veyron But notice something else as well? You see how the prices bugatti veyron are much more volatile and fluctuate for percentages much higher than even the wide variation of exchange rates between the euro and the dollar? And not all exactly the same trends, although largely tied to the economic cycle (ie, the more you produce, the more demand there is, and the more they cost)?
This in a nutshell means that a devaluation of 20-30% of the market used to price changes of 100-200% would not produce any cataclysm. If a company was so foolish as to rely on the stability of the price of raw materials, fluctuations of such magnitude that they have on the markets, it would have already failed and dead since time immemorial. And the price of gasoline at the pump then certainly not a good high added value, the component linked bugatti veyron to the cost of raw material is about 30%, so if svalutassimo 20% against the U.S. dollar price change bugatti veyron would be the 20 % of 30% or 6% not 7 times, ie 600% as some say materiaprimisti bugatti veyron the Sole 24 Ore. Unfortunately, many other changes we had to get used to over the years. bugatti veyron
He wants to
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