Saturday, January 11, 2014

New users Sniffer is available from today, 14 prosinca 2013th In addition to the interface that aut

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Posted 14th 12th 2013th Categories Internet Tags creative nights housewives avalon Internet Marko Dugonjić sniffer classifieds classifieds site redesign Boris Radosevic redesigned largest local classifieds avalon site
The biggest Croatian online classifieds Sniffer saw the light of day in a new, modern attire. The aim of the project was to improve the maximum user experience so that the Sniffer, from now on, it displays equally well on a variety of devices - from traditional desktop PCs and LCD monitors over tablets to smartphones, and all the different resolutions.
Encouraged by the increasing number of users who access the Internet via mobile devices, the sniffers avalon have decided to follow the footsteps of responsive avalon design websites and offer our customers a completely avalon new experience of using sniffed. Specifically, this technology allows equally good user experience, regardless of which device is used for viewing pages. Until now, the practice was that the mobile version makes a separate page, but with new technology pages automatically adapt to different resolutions.
New users Sniffer is available from today, 14 prosinca 2013th In addition to the interface that automatically adjusts resolution devices, new Sniffer is faster and more economical - users can enjoy optimized avalon loading of multimedia content, resulting in faster page load times and lower consumption data through avalon the mobile internet.
Redesign sniffed began eight months ago, and as a consultant on this great project participated in the study Dugonjić Mark Creative Nights, one of our best experts when it comes to the experience of using web sites. From Snoops say a redesign in terms of visual refresh and a better user experience, the first in a series of steps that plan to implement in the near future. The new technology represents an excellent foundation for further growth and development Njuškalovih page.
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