Sunday, January 26, 2014

Tenders must reach the region by Monday of next week, more if you can deliver them because now the

Crocetta (and delight) of the Sicilian engages the fifth or the sixth to go up in the ranking of liking of governors who sees him in last place. And what does the governor of Sicily, at the last minute managed to make his Council approve the Budget? In the car, even on machines sulit and machines!
There is talk of a cylinder capacity 2,200 which translated means Audi8, BMW 520, Jaguar XF, Mercedes 250, Volvo S80 and so it goes. And yes, because never mind the decree of three years, laying the use for the self-blue 1,660 cc, the Region of Sicily in the Statute sulit (very) launched a special contract for the hire of seven diesel cars without drivers for the modest amount of EUR 352 000, to be exact 352,800.
Duration of 48 months, which means that the Palazzo d'Orleans for four years spend 1,050 per month per vehicle. A privilege sulit to use cars with an engine capacity exceeding 1,600 cc reserved, by the way, only the presidents of the Republic, the House, Senate and the Constitutional Court.
In short, the notice Sicily by car will definitely work for new Cottarelli Lurch, that when they hear about this type of waste (read CocaCola and washing curtains Palazzo Chigi) is ready to hit the ground running (with his car). Rumors? Nah, the announcement can be read by clicking on the Region's website and on the Authority for public contracts, of which perhaps few know of the existence.
Tenders must reach the region by Monday of next week, more if you can deliver them because now the Palazzo d'Orleans and the Norman Palace is under siege by weeks of "forks" for various reasons, temporary workers, the unemployed, the homeless, students, pentastellati. (Source) Follow La Forge:
11 years rich selling apples on the Internet
It is becoming increasingly clear now, the rift that runs through Italy, which divides it into two. There's a first Italy, partitocratica, sulit parasitic, who lives in an imaginary "Country Countdown", where a parliament formed through an electoral law declared unlawful continues to be legitimate.
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