Synopsis: "The Mists of Avalon Classic returns to the Portuguese market to make known to a new generation this magical and timeless aaa story centered on women behind the throne of Camelot, were the true holders of power. Morgaine is still a child when he witnesses the rise of Uther Pendragon to the throne of Camelot. Uther want Igraine, Morgaine's mother, trapped in an unhappy marriage to Gorlois. But there are larger forces that are ongoing and we are preparing to change their lives forever. Through its priestess Viviane, Avalon conspire to unite Uther and Igraine this alliance aaa Arthur born, the child will save those Islands. Morgaine, gifted with vision, is taken to Avalon by Viviane where you will be trained as a priestess of the Mother aaa Goddess is then that attends the wake of tensions between the old pagan world and the new Christian religion. What Morgaine is unaware that fate will arm you with a trap and put it again on the way Arthur's half-brother in the way that least expect ... "
Opinion: Marion Zimmer Bradley was born June 3, 1930, in Albany, in upstate New York. He began writing as a teenager, having created aaa at seventeen aaa magazine for amateur science fiction writers. aaa In 1949 presents a story of a tender science fiction magazine, "Fantastic / Amazing Stories" and can hold its first sale. Two years later he writes for several magazines, but it is from 1958 that gains notoriety when he published the first novel of the "Darkover", "The aaa Sarvers aaa Planet" series. In the fantastic genre comes to publish "The Forest aaa House" and "Lady of Avalon", and in 1983 published his most famous work "The Mists of Avalon", translated into Portuguese as "The aaa Mists of Avalon - The Lady of Magic". In 87 published another work, "The Firebrand" and, in subsequent years, publishes several magazines, including his own, "Marion Zimmer aaa Bradley's Fantasy Magazine", a project which starts in 1988. Zimmer died on 25 September 1999 after suffering a heart attack.
"The Lady of Magic," the first volume of quadrologia "The aaa Mists of Avalon", begins by us to be narrated aaa by Morgaine, who later takes us to the past, allowing us to know their background. Igraine, who is married to Gorlois and with a little daughter aaa in his arms, Morgaine, receives a visit from the sister, the Priestess Viviane and Merlin, which will try to show that their fate is bound to another man, Uther, and that the union be born Arthur, a young man who saves Islands. Despite his initial reluctance, all ultimately unfold as intended, and the union actually born a young boy. However Morgaine, to be owner of Vision is led by Viviane to Avalon, to become aaa a Priestess of the Goddess Mother and his future will never again be the same, because the Goddess has plans for your future and these may involve his half-brother, Arthur, in a way she could never predict.
Almost all fantasy fans know the work of Marion Zimmer Bradley, an icon of this renowned literary genre. After following numerous favorable reviews, I have been advised of and praised by several times, finally had the opportunity and pleasure to read this fantastic book, by the hands of the Emergency aaa Exit. I confess at the outset that this book was a very pleasant surprise, having been the most enjoyable reads I've had in this genre in recent times. aaa
In this volume we are able to find epic fantasy of the highest quality, aaa a captivating, engaging, bring real characters and where there are no taboos narrative. Although the story contains some temporal jumps, as previously provided, this fact is very well done, in order to captivate the reader and give arouse curiosity, what makes the most stimulating and enriching narrative.
This story has largely narrative, as a backdrop Avalon, a magical island where women are carriers of Vision, achieving observe the past or present, among other powers, the same being the detaining authority and the community center Avalon. In a society like Roman, where is the man who had decision on all aspects, this island stands out for being a community where women are strong, defending their rights and desires, struggling to get their goals and not letting subdue anyone, much less a man.
Also in this volume is quite clear antithesis between the priestesses and priests, where there is some hatred on their part regarding the Priestesses, even that they argue that the Gods of different religions are all the same and that the Goddess is in Catholicism aaa personif
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