Sunday, February 9, 2014

The wisest character in the book is Taliesim contact cars and he has the title of Merlin, which is

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The Mists of Avalon is a classic work that was written contact cars in 1979 by American Marion Zimmer Bradley. There are four books with just a story - The Mistress of Magic, The Great Queen, The King Stag and The Prisoner of the tree. The topic is related to one of the best known medieval subjects in the world, the Arthurian legends, however, tradadas these books by female point of view.
The author was the great forerunner of the cult of the Great Goddess and inspired so many people at the time, that even a film was made in 2001. Despite the legend of King Arthur to be very ancient (500 AD) and seen as a myth, there are people contact cars who say that it really existed, and the island both mentioned contact cars in the book, Avalon. The phase that King Arthur reigned was of great change, Christianity contact cars established itself in Britain, which later became the United Kingdom and currently is England.
The work is very interesting for those who are interested in Celtic approach, the Druids, neo-paganism and related topics by the magicians, priestesses contact cars and spells. There is very little in the book about death and blood in relation to other Arthurian books, contact cars we usually focus on the tactics of wars and battles. The author gives a greater focus in the struggle between Christianity contact cars and the religion of the Druids, both influencing the decisions of King Arthur and were represented by two central characters, Guinevere and Morgana.
Morgana is the main character of the plot. She is the sister of Arthur and was created as a priestess of Avalon to have the gift of sight, able to make predictions and manipulate the forces of nature. The girl was coached by Viviane, the high priestess and Lady of the Lake (the highest rank of that religion). Eventually, the girl would become a great lady and take care of the mysterious island.
Avalon is a sacred contact cars and magical island of Celtic contact cars religion which can only be accessed through the mists. contact cars Is in a plane parallel and physically is in Glastonbury. To access Avalon, a priestess with the ability to open the portal to this new world is necessary. And there the worship and spells keep alive and where the priestesses contact cars are trained to the goddess spirit remains alive off the island. There, the sexual energy is manipulated and highly valued by women and they are also seen as sacred, unlike what is seen worldwide. contact cars
Guinevere contact cars is the opposite contact cars of Morgana. She is the wife of King Arthur and is a character contact cars who preaches Christianity with all his strength. contact cars It is quite churchy, but fall in love with Lancelot (Arthur's cousin), is blaming the whole plot and calls himself a sinner. Many readers report having had a great hatred for the character, the fact that it also be very innocent and afraid of everything, with an arrogant and narrow-minded. For her, only Christianity is right. Moreover, Guinevere prevents the king to spread the cult to the goddess and follow the rites of Avalon. According to her, the woman is the original sin.
The wisest character in the book is Taliesim contact cars and he has the title of Merlin, which is subsequently propagated to a new priest. His appearances are sporadic, but wise enough to unsettle the mind and make people think about religion and the world.
The plot contains various intrigues, contact cars disputes between religions and power games. Morgana and Guinevere fall in love with Lancelot. Arthur falls for the woman who gave her virginity contact cars to an armed by Viviane ritual. Only years later discovers that this woman was his sister. This causes a twist in and Morgana is when the Celtic religion starts to get upset. The character ends up interacting with the world of fairies and receives many advices that change all the planning Viviane.
In the end, the island of Avalon begins to be increasingly engulfed by the Mists and access becomes increasingly difficult, losing by a lack of practice of magic and without the presence of a young priestess to open the portals. The Great Goddess becomes idolized by both known to Christians as the Virgin Mary.
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