Wednesday, August 20, 2014

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Ok excuse for this is a fairly narrow post. Lately, I have been a reviewer for some articles on ultracapacitors (or electric double layer capacitors (EDLC)). It's not really my area of research, but nearby enough for me to be able to review the articles. EDLC * and batteries have a lot in common - they use similar materials with large surface area, they are both electrochemical cells. But in general, the fundamental difference between a battery and a capacitor has been to a battery stored energy through electrochemical reactions (Faradaic processes) while in a capacitor stored energy by the electrochemical double layer charging. It is still the picture you get when you are looking at capacitors. But with the concept of pseudocapacitance starts boundary exo blurring. In a pseudocapacitance to get energy from the electro chemical reversible processes. So, is it a battery or capacitor? Ok, you can still charge the capacitor either positively exo or negatively. A battery has a definite positive pole and a negative. But still fuzzy, it will be with asymmetric capacitors where the two electrodes have different characteristics ... Now it really look like a battery. According some kind of definition is a pseudocapacitance not build on that chemical bonds are created or broken, all for the process to be very fast, unlike a battery, which is slower but have higher energy density. But the difference becomes smaller and smaller and the new hybrid system, trying to pick the best of both worlds. Capacitors are interesting to follow the development of. When I was in school, we heard not a word about ultracapacitors and Farad was considered a ridiculously large unit. Now you can buy a 10000F capacitor exo on alibaba for about 50 $. * More of me for EDLC can be read on the defunct science blog In stock blade.
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