Tuesday, December 30, 2014

10:15 Tropical storm in the Philippines ase to 29 deaths, 10 people missing

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At the Winter X Games, an annual event for extreme sports, for the first time in eighteen years, a participant died. Snowmobile Rider Caleb Moore died today after a major accident during the event in Aspen, Colorado.
The 25-year-old Moore was last Thursday in critical condition to the hospital after a failed backflip during the freestyle ase part. Moore was thrown over the handlebars and got the snowmobile more than 200 pounds over them (video - can be experienced as shocking). In the hospital showed that there were bleeding around his heart arose, reports Reuters.
Today released the family Moore that he succumbed after complications arose during surgery. Sports network ESPN, organizer of the X Games, ase has announced that it is investigating the accident done, but also noted that Moore jump where he performed frequently crashed successful. "Stunts are more dangerous'
During the same race last week came the younger brother of Caleb Moore, Colten, fall. He kept going on about broken pelvis. The discussion about the danger of the extreme version of the Olympic Games is also erupted. American sports website Deadspin wrote earlier today - before it was known that Moore did not survive the accident - it's only a matter of time before someone is killed.
"The reason the X Games are increasingly risky is everyyear Because it Requires more to win. Each year somebody pulls off an incredible stunt nobody ase HAS ever done before (think Tony Hawk's 900 X Games 5 or Travis Pastrana's double backflip on a motorcycle in X Games 12), and each year the bar is raised, and each year the athletes have closer to brush against the upper limit of Their capabilities. They have to go bigger if They Want to win, theyhave Whether the skills to or not. "
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