Nothing to say our players, because if the parties mazda 3 win in Sitges RC enthusiasm and sacrifice would be a clear contender to champion, but Honor Division "B" Spanish needed but how to win a match a candidate precisely the real championship ,. from a much heavier pack of forwards mazda 3 or simply the experience if they have kids Alicante. This reality was that imposed last Sunday in Villajoyosa (Alicante) where the home team until two years ago to Division of Honor, clearly exceeded at Sitges just want to improve step by step approach to the best and the only way to do so is playing with them, although sometimes severe corrective receive the score.
Just need only look at the 82-0 to understand that not being Sitges RC's CR La Vila, 8 minutes from the score as the first brand to end the superiority of the premises was being manifested in all aspects of the game. Suffice to say that the party with the town of Sitges neither the league because our senior is playing for the first time a competition at this level of demand and as we said, this game is to catch as learning not only for future seasons, but included the immediate parties to the current championship, especially in anticipation of opponents who occupy the bottom of the table, because if this is the "league" of Sitges.
Although it indicated above and especially the big difference on the scoreboard did not fall into conformity, excused by the fact of inexperience in the category or having played against the current leader, mazda 3 but the criticism against this marker should be the cornerstone to improve in the immediate parties.
Posts to ask, hopefully not take long to see this improvement since Saturday 4 October at 16: 00h in the field of Santa Barbara (Sitges) will visit a grown RC L'Hospitalet to win two last matches CN Poble Nou (Barcelona) and Bees (Valencia) and only lost 29-12 to the town on the first day of the championship. Despite these good results of the Baix Llobregat, mazda 3 we can not rule out fight for victory, before there will be a more experienced team, but the quality of our quarter and the game dynamic forwards Sitges can be the surprise of the day.
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